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Please join FFC Virtual Parent Support Group!

WHERE:  Zoom                Registration (Required)

WHAT:  FFC plans to host virtual parent support groups every month. Parents meet and connect with other parents and have a chance to talk, ask questions, support each other and share experiences in a relaxed virtual environment. Please join us and bring your questions in regards to your child’s diagnosis, school issues, newborn care and concerns, emotional challenges and overall parenting issues.  Parents of ALL craniofacial conditions and across all ages are welcome.

7:00 pm – Introduction and general discussion

7:20 pm – The group will divide into smaller age-based break out sessions to allow for more in-depth open Q&A/discussions.

Hope to see you soon!

You must register for the event to receive the Zoom meeting info.
* The zoom sessions and the discussions are confidential and won’t be shared with any organization or third party.

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